For over two centuries, Truefitt & Hill has provided discerning gentlemen with only the finest in grooming products and services. Established in 1805, we maintain the world's oldest barbershop and are barbers and Royal Warrant holders to H.R.H., The Duke of Edinburgh. Today's product offering is the result of our nearly 200 years of research and intimate customer relationships.
The long history of Truefitt & Hill's
Truefitt & Hill's prestigious history began in 1805 during the reign of H.M King George III. Since then, our clientele have included members of the male line of the Royal Family, as well as members of visiting Royal Households. Many of our fine preparations have been formulated in the same way for over 190 years and are still sold to the nobility, whose families have been aware of Truefitt & Hill's tradition as Purveyors of Excellence throughout the generations.