Facial cleansing

Facial cleansing

Facial Cleansing

To maintain a good facial skin or improve it a facial cleansing is an important step. Facial cleansing aims to remove the dirt accumulated during the day. If you want to keep your face clean and fresh, you should keep a routine of cleaning your face daily. Here you can find products like facial cleansers, facial scrubs, and facial masks. Some are specially formulated for male facial skin. Read more about a good routine for facial cleaning.

Hydraglow Gentle Peeling
€11 (€15)
Tonic Lotion

Rule of thumbs for your facial cleansing

We like bulleted lists! They make life and learning easier without the need to read a novel. But, if you like educating yourself and learn more details, we offer a complete guide to facial cleansing in the SLIQHAQ Academy.

  • Clean your face at least once a day
  • Use a towel dedicated for the face only
  • Perform a deep cleansing using scrub once a week
  • If you feel the cleaning product you are using is bad for your skin, try another one.

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